WA 2025 - STARTING POSITION (Notional) ALP 54 Nat 3 Lib 2
LABOR RE-ELECTED, Lib/Nat on track for about 13 seats
Seats appparently changing:
Lib/Nat gain from ALP: Churchlands (2.2%), Carine (4%), Kalamunda (15.1%), Albany (10.7%), Geraldton (9.3%), Nedlands (3.0%)
Labor projecting behind in own seats: Murray-Wellington (17.3%), Warren-Blackwood (2.2%)
Interesting: ALP vs IND Fremantle
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Note re Geraldton: although the independent Shane van Styn is on 20.7%, both the Liberals and Labor have recommended preferences to Nationals above him so it will be a heroic effort if he manages to win.
Sunday morning: The Liberals and Nationals improved in some seats late at night and are now tracking for about 13 but the count is incredibly slow and there is still a long way to go in some of them. They may still be in the hunt in a few others, but for the moment the gains are confined to the very low hanging urban fruit and some rural-regionals on middling to large margins.
In the Legislative Council, Labor and the Greens will get a combined majority. With about 47% counted, Labor have 15.27 Q (quotas) Lib 10.333 Nat 2.071 Green 4.00 ON 1.262 LCP 1.028 AC 0.962 IND (Moermond group) 0.462 AJP 0.411 SAP 0.359 SPPK 0.322 SFF 0.266 LTN 0.240. At present Labor would win 15, the Liberals 10, Nat 2 Green 4 ON 1 LCP 1 AC 1 and the remaining three would go to Moermond, AJP and either SAP or Liberals, but as the count comes up it may well be that one or both of the majors gets ahead of some of the micro tickets. Very long way to go there.
9:30 Winding up coverage for now as I have to get up early tomorrow, the picture is not changing much and the count is sloooooooooooow. More comments tomorrow as time permits. In a sign of how bad it is for the Liberals, Nedlands which earlier appeared won for them has flipped back and is now one of many close seats in doubt.
9:12 Overall this is remarkably poor for the Liberals and Nationals in seat terms so far though the 2PP is about where the late polls had it. The swing seems to be landing unevenly and they are struggling at this stage to pick up even some of the supposedly easy seats.
9:08 ABC reporting preferences in Churchlands are really bad for Zempilas and he is projecting behind!
8:54 A few other seats with prepolls in where they showed less difference to the booths.
8:46 Not great that there are still seats with no figures after nearly three hours.
8:35 Scarborough also good for Liberals on prepolls, not that it is saving them.
8:31 The upper house count is very slow and very unrepresenative. One Nation are currently over a quota in the live count, and Aus Christians and Legalise Cannabis have most of a quota. The "independent" ticket (Moermond etc) is not doing too badly so far.
8:28 A big prepoll is in in Bateman. The major party swing was about 4% stronger than in the booths. Also prepoll much stronger than booth swing in Landsdale.
8:17 Hulett is close to losing the primary vote lead now. Preference flows will be interesting when we get some.
8:00 In Fremantle the independent Kate Hulett is off to a flier and is leading on primaries after two booths! Some excitement after a poor night for independents so far. However, the Liberals recommended preferences to Labor over Hulett in this seat so when more booths come in Labor could be much more competitive.
7:54 The swing in Pilbara has come down to make it now a close contest. ABC is now calling Bateman and Scarborough for Labor, we'll see if those are correct when prepolls come in but that we are even talking about Labor holding Bateman (6.7%) is not good for the Liberals. As more booths are counted there is not so far any improvement as the evening goes on.
7:36 Basil Zempilas doesn't need much swing in Churchlands which is just as well for him because so far he's not getting a big swing either.
7:30 Liberals struggling in Scarborough so far - I mentioned this seat as one that might be risky if there was an uneven rural/urban swing, but without a huge amount of optimism about that as I'd not seen it mentioned.
7:24 The ABC is projecting a close contest between Sandra Brewer and independent Rachel Horncastle in Liberal-held Cottesloe. This may settle down when less favourable booths come in for the Liberals.
7:12 Labor doing very badly in early booths in Pilbara (17%) - four booths in already. However this is a weird seat that may swing unevenly, especially with a redistribution.
7:10 Teal independent not much chop in Nedlands. (The Nedlands votes are postals, and do project to a Liberal gain, but again with a modest swing).
7:05 Generally a weak start for the conservative parties - very few projected gains at this early stage but the booth votes may not be representative (we have seen this problem in a few elections.)
6:53 There's a huge swing showing against Rita Saffioti in West Swan but it's a new out of district booth.
6:46 The first booth in Kalgoorlie (11.9%) is in and it's a bit unremarkable too - 15% against Labor on primary but spraying to minors and Kyran O'Donnell. Be interesting to see a 2CP count on these and also if O'Donnell can do better than the starting 10%-ish in other booths.
6:40 Two actual booths in in the Nats seat of Central Wheatbelt, with a modest (by the standard of this election) primary swing from Labor to Liberals and minors.
6:30 Votes detected in Scarborough! A tiny sample of mobile votes with a quite small swing (ignore for now). Likewise Dawesville. A bigger swing on mobile votes in Morley. Aside from the tiny sample size in these I don't know if the voting locations for the mobile booths have stayed the same.
6:10 It exists and I'm not necessarily promising much too more than that but here is a few hours of live commentary of the WA election! I'm aiming to stop not later than 11 pm WA time. A summary will be posted at the top of the page as things happen. There are some useful comments about what we will and won't get at Pollbludger - including that we won't get prepolls for the possibly interesting seat of Kalamunda tonight because the district had no prepoll booth. I will keep an eye on the Legislative Council if anything useful arrives but I'd expect the count there to be very slow and whatever we get tonight will be skewed in ways that won't be easy to unpick quickly. (That's a forensic job for coming days.)
Geraldton is looking like a possibly interesting post count with the independent above 20%