Friday, December 15, 2023

Party Registration Tracker 2: The Term After The Crackdown


Parties registered for 2022 election: 38

Parties registered since 2022 election: 8 (1 since deregistered, 1 previously deregistered)

Parties deregistered since 2022 election: 14 (1 tactical deregistration, 1 reregistered under new name,  excludes 1 overturned deregistration)

Parties currently registered: 32

Net change for term: -6

Parties applying for registration: 0

Parties being considered for deregistration: 0


Introduction (December 2023)

In the 2019-2022 term the then Coalition Government introduced two major changes to party registration law. The first was an increase in the registration threshhold from 500 to 1500 members (parliamentary parties excepted).  The second was a ban on parties using words that were contained in the name of an earlier registered party.  I monitored the impacts of these laws in a resource piece called Party Registration Crackdown Tracker.  

I've decided a sequel is warranted because it appears that the 1500 member rule is having ongoing impacts in its second term in operation and that the party list for the expected 2025 election could be smaller than that for 2022, so I think it is worth a similar level of monitoring.  Of the eight parties that climbed Mount 1500 to be newly registered for the 2022 election or shortly afterwards, five are already deregistered and a sixth being considered.  As a result the first half of the expected 2022-25 term has so far seen the largest net decline in parties of any first half of a term.

It's normally the case that far more parties register in the second half of a term than the first.  The table below shows a tallied number of registrations and deregistrations (excluding overturned deregistrations) in two parts of each of the last five terms.  While the election dates have varied between May and September,  for simplicity I've defined "first" as the part of the term up to the end of the calendar year after the election, and "second" as the rest of the term after that.  

The 2010-13 term saw a major ramp-up in registrations as parties sought to take advantage of Group Ticket Voting preference-harvesting.  There was a high mortality rate in the 2013-6 term but also a high rate of new signups.  Group Ticket Voting was abolished in 2016 but because this only happened late in the term it did not much affect party registrations.  The 2016-9 term saw many of these parties giving up and a modestly smaller number of new registrations, but just abolishing Group Ticket Voting had not been enough to stop uncompetitive parties from forming and running in large numbers.  In the 2019-22 term there was a lot of attrition even under the old rules, but the increase in the membership requirement from 500 to 1500 members also disposed of 13 parties and resulted in others failing to register or not even trying.  

As readers will detect from snarky comments about some of the parties below, this is good!  Running on a federal ballot is a privelege to be earned based on evidence of significant public support.  Letting parties that will get no votes run has costs in terms of informal voting for the House of Representatives, voter confusion for the Senate and slower counting.  If the list is slimmed down over time to a couple of dozen parties or so that is still plenty of choices, and new movements that develop serious support will still easily be able to register parties.  

This article will be updated through the remainder of the term to monitor party registrations and deregistrations.  Note that registration processes freeze while by-elections are on, between the issuing and return of the writs.  


2022-5 Term: Registrations

The following new parties have registered in this term and are still registered.

Australia's Voice

New parliamentary party created by Senator Fatima Payman who is starting a new party to run candidates in all Senate and some Reps races.  The party appears to be pitching to moderate/centre-left voters and possibly somewhere between Labor and the Greens.  Unfortunately Glenn Druery is involved but won't be whispering any preferences for this new outfit as we stopped that little caper in 2016.  Three objections (all based on misconceptions and one in part a fishing expedition) were predictably dismissed.  

 Better Together Party

Lucy Bradlow and Bronwyn Bock, who stated they intended to run for Higgins together as a single job-share candidate (which is not currently legal, and also Higgins got abolished anyway), have announced they will instead run for Victorian Senate - under the banner Better Together Party.   Job-share two-person candidates are not permitted in the Senate either.  On 3 Dec 2024 Better Together stated that they had applied for registration.  On 13 Jan 2025 they stated that they had passed the initial stage of membership checking and proceeded to the random contact phase. On Feb 6 the party name was advertised meaning they had passed random testing. The party needed the writs to not be issued by March 6 and the AEC to process their application quickly; it went well for them and they were registered on Mar 7.  The party submitted 1554 names of which 1543 were accepted for testing; they were allowed 3/38 denials of membership and had 2. Probably the party will now attempt to nominate a dual candidate and contest the AEC's refusal in court.

Dai Le & Frank Carbone W.S.C

New parliamentary party created for Dai Le, elected as an independent in 2022. Originally called Dai Le & Frank Carbone Network then successfully renamed itself  Dai Le & Frank Carbone W.S.C.  (stands for Western Sydney Community).  One doomed objection was rejected.

Family First Party Australia

This is the Kenyon/Snelling Family First relaunch of 2022, with Lyle Shelton as national director; it is not the same party as the version for which Bob Day and Steven Fielding were elected as    Senators but covers similar issues.  The party's application was published on 26 June, showing that it has cleared the membership test.  A rather rambly objection was lodged by Day, to  which Family First replied.  The  issue of most interest in Day's application was whether the name "Family First Party Australia" is confusingly similar to Day's SA party "Australian Family Party", or whether the names are so similar as to suggest a connection or relationship exists between the two that doesn't.  (A similar objection was dismissed in SA.)  People's Front of Judea / Judean People's Front, etc.   The AEC dismissed the objection too and FFPA was registered on 20 September.  FFPA submitted 1650 names of which 1635 were accepted for random testing; they were then allowed 8/57 denials of membership on random sampling but only had 3.

Gerard Rennick People First 

New parliamentary party for disendorsed LNP Senator Gerard Rennick, who quit the LNP after being deselected.  As a sitting MP he can centrally register a party but it must still meet registration rules around party names.  Rennick required permission from Family First to use the word "first", which was granted.  Rennick intends to run the party mainly as a vehicle for his own re-election attempt but may run some lower house candidates in Queensland.  

Libertarian Party 

This is the former Liberal Democrats who re-registered under their new name following the disallowance of the previous name under the new party names laws.  The party's proposed new name has attracted no objections but there have been objections to its logo, including one from the Coalition.  The objections were dismissed and the Coalition's internal appeal against the objections failed.  (The Libertarians then applied for and were granted a different logo comfortably.)  The party cleared the bar for registration comfortably, having 1632 of 1650 submitted names accepted for random testing, and being allowed 7 refusals out of 53 (there were 3).  

Tammy Tyrrell for Tasmania

New parliamentary party, an above the line vehicle for the Tasmanian Senator who quit the Jacqui Lambie Network for reasons that remain curiously ... curious.   Oddly it has a constitution that is an adapted version of Tasmania's model rules for incorporated groups, minus the incorporation related sections and with some other small changes.  JLN objected to the proposed logo for TT4T but their objection was unconvincing and failed.  Before it was rejected, JLN also lodged an application to change their own logo, replacing the map of Tasmania with a map of Australia (this was accepted).  The previous JLN logo featured a tilted map of Tasmania while TT4T's logo features a non-tilted map.   

2022-5 Term: Now Defunct Registrations 

Voices for the Senate (later Independent Voices for the Senate) 

Late registration for 2022.  Failed attempt to translate the Voices Of concept to the Senate that despite a very long run-up was unable to get enough names to get registered in time.  Its registration succeeded after the election but it was later deregistered for not replying to a notice, having taken no electoral action in its time as a registered party apart from changing its name.

2022-5 Term: Applications 

Parties are added to the list here if either they appear on the AEC list of potential registrations awaiting public comment (which means they have passed the 1500 member test) or if they have publicly stated that they have applied.

2022-5 Term: Possible Attempts

These possible parties were discussed but are not yet known by me to have formally applied.

The Good Party

A rather left-seeming outfit that has candidates for Mackellar, Macnamara and Kingsford-Smith and started posting on Facebook in July 2023; it seems to be trying to get 1500 members but with no indication of applying yet.  Clearly isn't going to make it in time. Also needs to authorise its website and Facebook page.  

Whistleblowers for Integrity

Troy Stolz said in Feb and Mar 2024 that he intended to register a "Whistleblowers for Integrity" party.  Nothing further has been seen.  As of December 2024 FUSION applied to change its name to include the word "Whistleblower" so any other party that now registers a name including "Whistleblowers" will end up needing FUSION's permission.  

(unnamed conservative party)

On 30 Oct 2024 Sydney conservative councillors Peter Ristevski (Liverpool) and Steve Christou (Cumberland) told 6 News they intended to form a new party that would contest state and federal elections, having quit the Our Local Community grouping.  No time frame is yet known.

2022-5 Term: Failed Attempts 

Democratic Labour Party

The Democratic Labour Party sought review of its March 2022 deregistration but repeatedly failed testing usually by a large margin.  Even if it had passed testing the party could then have been subject to an objection to its name by Labor and would have had to rebadge itself or be deregistered, unless an early election intervened.  

Health Australia Party

The Health Australia Party was deregistered in April 2022.  It applied for review and challenged aspects of the AEC's reviewing methods.  In response the AEC changed its treatment of cases where a person is listed as a member of two parties for registration purposes, such that now they will be contacted and asked which party they wish to be a member of.  With this change the HAP were given a third go in mid-2023.  They supplied 1650 names but only 1542 were accepted for random testing.  They were therefore allowed 2 denials of membership out of 33 but had 6.  

Socialist Equity Party

The SEP is a classic piece of pointless ballot clutter that was deregistered in 2022 after submitting only 700 names when asked to meet the 1500 member rule.  Fresh from the electoral triumph that was recording 0.0054% in the 2023 NSW Legislative Council election, SEP managed to actually send the AEC over 1500 names on 23 Sep 2024.  On 17 Feb 2025 the party received a letter from the AEC saying that its attempt had been rejected after it qualified for random testing (ie 1500+ names were actually on the roll) but failed at that point as too many randomly contacted "members" (4 of 33) denied being such.  The SEP would have needed the written permission of the Socialist Alliance to get to this point and frankly Socialist Alliance should have done the AEC a solid and said no.  On Feb 24 the SEP sent the AEC a letter challenging its decision but it is impossible to see how this can get processed in time for the election since even a successful challenge would require a public comment period.  

United Australia Party

See United Australia Party below under "deregistrations".  The UAP challenged the Electoral Act section that prevented it from reusing the UAP name after its voluntary deregistration earlier in the term.  The UAP applied for reregistration on 29 Nov.  A directions hearing was held on 24 Dec.  A full High Court hearing will be held on 7 Feb, the Commonwealth and UAP having reached agreement on questions of law for a special case.  The UAP is arguing that the current law breaches implied freedom of political communication, interferes with direct choice of representatives (I don't like their chances on that one) and unreasonably discriminates against parties that voluntarily deregister.   The Commonwealth disagrees, as does the Attorney General for NSW, intervening.  See case page and hearing transcript.   On 12 Feb the High Court rejected the UAP's appeal, ending the UAP's attempt to reregister under this name. Having no time to reregister under a new name, the UAP instead took over the existing Trumpet of Patriots party (see below under "avoided deregistration")

2022-5 Term: Deregistrations

Parties shown in italics are those that have applied for reregistration, are contesting deregistration, or that remain active in the parliament.  

Australian Progressives (22 October 2022, insufficient members)

Ongoing saga.  The Australian Progressives have to this stage never actually passed the 1500 member test but survived for the 2022 federal election after winning internal review against supposedly only having 185 matchable names at their second attempt.  At the third attempt the party supplied 1591 names of which 1531 were accepted for random testing.  The party was allowed two denials of membership out of 34 but had three and was deregistered.   On June 12 2023 the party posted that it had been granted a fourth attempt to prove 1500 members because of “concerns about a particular aspect of the party membership testing process”.  On October 18 the party posted that it had proceeded to the random member testing stage and on November 21 it posted that the AEC was checking its membership.  In May 2024 the AEC ruled that the Progressives' latest list had again failed; the party supplied 1607 names of which 1523 were accepted for testing. The party was allowed two denials out of 33 but had ten.  No word yet on whether the Progressives may seek to appeal to the AAT.  

Australian Values Party (7 August 2023, voluntary deregistration)

Gone but not forgotten.  One of the class of 2022.  Heston Russell told 6 News in June 2023 that he had disbanded the Party.  The AVP had no notable electoral success and was frequently overshadowed by controversies involving its founder but did manage to cover itself in glory in the 2022 Victorian election with a hilarious video sting against "preference whisperer" Glenn Druery.  

Derryn Hinch's Justice Party (17 May 2023, voluntary deregistration

Over the electoral hill.  A two-election wonder (Senate 2016 and Victoria 2018), DHJP polled weakly in 2019 and 2022 and has now given up.  

Drew Pavlou Democratic Alliance (6 November 2023, voluntary deregistration)

Another of the class of 2022.  Voluntarily deregistered a few days after being listed for potential deregistration under the 1500 member rule.  Founder Drew Pavlou announced he needed to "lay down foundations" for his future life instead of continuing to maintain the party.

Federal ICAC Now (27 April 2023, voluntary deregistration)

Return to base.  Its mission having been accomplished (no thanks to its risible vote tally) this party soon deregistered itself.  

Independent Voices for the Senate (5 December 2023, failure to respond)

As noted above, this party only got registered this term after being too slow for 2022.  Listed as facing possible deregistration on 25 October 2023, then failed to respond to a notice.

Liberal Democratic Party (19 July 2022, party names rules, now reregistered)

As noted in the previous tracker, the LDP was able to manage one last hurrah under its old, now disallowed name via the diabolical trick of withdrawing its application to change its name.  This doomed it to deregistration soon after the election but that didn't matter as it has plenty of members and has now reregistered as Libertarian Party.  

Local Network (16 October 2023, voluntary deregistration)

Gone more local ... then gone? This Tasmanian-centred party, formerly the Local Party, has attracted frequent criticism from yours truly for falsely claiming its candidates are independents. In reality they go through a preselection process and the party expects commitments to certain ideas from its candidates.  It gave up its federal registration to concentrate on making incorrect claims about its candidates being independents in the next Tasmanian state election instead.  After this failed (it ran in two seats polling less than 1%) the party announced it was folding in Tasmania as well, though the concept may be rehashed in the ACT (which is about the only place where a "party of independents" makes any sense because of discrimination against independents in ballot column access.)

Reason Australia (3 June 2024, voluntary deregistration)

Reason Australia had been under review since 25 October 2023 for possibly not having 1500 members.   The former Sex Party had not really amounted to a lot since being renamed in 2017 outside Fiona Patten retaining her Victorian Group Ticket Voting seat in 2018 (she lost in 2022).  On 20 Dec 2023 6 News announced the party was going to disband.  On 3 June 2024 it was voluntarily deregistered.  Patten was since announced as a Legalise Cannabis candidate.  

Rex Patrick Team (24 October 2022, voluntary deregistration)

Former parliamentary party.  After Rex Patrick lost his seat the party chose to deregister rather than seeking to prove 1500 members.  He has since joined the Jacqui Lambie Network.

Seniors United Party of Australia (29 June 2022, failure to respond to a notice)

Legacy survivor. This party was able to stay registered for the 2022 election despite having never proved 1500 members because it won review of a previous deregistration decision under the old rules. Unsurprisingly didn't last long after the election.  

TNL (28 Nov 2023, failure to respond to a notice)

Slight hitch on the road to power.  The former New Liberals had their original name disallowed after the Liberal Party won an internal review against their name based on the pre-2022 rules.  Under an obscure abbreviation that sounded like either a boring TV news show or perhaps a foot care treatment they polled stuff-all at the 2022 election despite their ludicrous social media 'polling results' and claims that they would soon be in majority government.  In November 2023 they were deregistered, after being listed on 19 October 2023 as under consideration for deregistration for insufficent membership.  As of January 2024 at least one 2022 TNL candidate (Chris Schmidt, Sturt) has announced his intention to contest the next election as such, but it is not clear whether the party will seek to be reregistered.  

United Australia Party (8 Sep 2022, tactical voluntary deregistration)

Although the UAP is a party sitting in parliament through its Victorian Senator Ralph Babet, it chose not to be an AEC-registered party for now because it can't be bothered with the paperwork. The plan was to register again later - which is fine so long as no-one calls a snap election when the UAP doesn't expect it. Because there must be time for objections to a new party's name, a parliamentary party can't simply reregister as soon as an election is called. There are also question marks about the party's ability to reregister under the UAP name or any confusingly similar name.  See separate article.  On 12 Dec 2024 the UAP announced it would challenge the provision stopping it from reusing the UAP name in the High Court.  The challenge failed and UAP transplanted operations to Trumpet of Patriots.  

Western Australia Party (2 August 2023, failure to respond to a notice)

In May 2023 the AEC announced that it was considering deregistering the Party for failure to respond to an eligibility review notice.  On 2 August the Party was deregistered. 

2022-5 Term: Potential Deregistrations 

Parties under review for not having 1500 members are generally given a second chance to prove membership and sometimes go on to survive.  

None currently listed.

2022-5 Term: Avoided Deregistration

Australian Democrats

The Democrats were under review for over 11 months from 27 October 2023 for possibly not having 1500 members but survived.  This nostalgia party's persistence in this day and age is somewhere between completely pointless ballot clutter and actual deception of voters that it is still meaningfully the same movement.  I have no idea why these people, whoever they are, still persist.

Health Environment Accountability Rights Transparency (HEART)

Revived after death. Under review since 13 December 2023 for possibly not having 1500 members, and deregistered on 24 Aug 2024 but then won a review.  This is the former Involuntary Medical Objectors Party (IMOP), one of two misleadingly named and very similar "don't call us antivax" parties to be on the list recently.  The other, Health Australia Party, was deregistered in 2022.  On 13 September a merger between these parties to form HEART was announced but on 27 October it was announced that "HAP has since decided to reverse the merger."  On its first attempt HEART supplied 1553 names, 1531 were accepted for testing, the party was allowed 2/33 refusals but had 3/34.  On the second attempt HEART supplied 1544 names, 1521 were accepted for testing, the party was allowed 1/27 refusals but had 5.  Like many such parties HEART pleaded that it really had 7000 members if only the AEC would check them all, ignoring that this is obviously impractical and that it's a bit of a problem if about 13% of the people a party thinks are members of it actually aren't members.   The Australian health crank movement had no dedicated party on the ballot because its parties cannot work together and none of us could get enough popcorn for this.  Sadly, HEART won review against its deregistration by submitting a new membership list.  They supplied 1650 names of which 1618 were accepted for testing, the party was allowed 7/53 denials and this time had only 1.  

Trumpet of Patriots (formerly Australian Federation Party)

The product of numerous mergers of random right-wing micro-parties, the AFP was a particularly poor performer at elections (its terrible name didn't help) and was under review from 19 December 2023 to 23 August 2024 for allegedly not responding to a notice, suggesting it was likely to be deregistered soon.  However, it somehow survived and retained its registration.  In September 2024 it applied to change its name to Trumpet of Patriots.  An attempt to register a questionably so-called "freedom party" under this name for the 2022 election had failed with many intending candidates joining AFP instead. Two almost identical objections were lodged to the new name but the AEC has previously provisionally approved the name and the objections failed. 

Following his failed attempt to reregister the United Australia Party, Clive Palmer joined this party and became its chairman.  It is now likely many intending UAP candidates will run for Trumpet of Patriots.  

Great Australian Party

Was under review since 2 August 2024  for possibly not having 1500 members.  The party of former ineligibly elected Senator Rod Culleton had considerable difficulty passing the 1500        member threshhold in the previous parliament.  On 26 Nov 2024 it was removed from the list of parties being considered for deregistration, suggesting it has survived.   

Kim for Canberra

Under review since 30 October 2023 for possibly not having 1500 members.  The vehicle for Canberra legal scholar Kim Rubenstein whose push for ACT Senate was overshadowed by later entrant David Pocock.  As of around 2 August 2024 Kim for Canberra was removed from the list of parties under review suggesting that it has survived.

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