This is an old article that has been updated. For the update scroll to the bottom.
You can see what this is all about
over here. Thought I would post my submission publicly just for the interest of anyone who might want to read it. I believe it's pretty self-explanatory in conjunction with the discussion paper available at the link. Might wish it was more deluxe and polished but I just don't have the time! I have not canvassed all the issues raised in the discussion paper; eg my submission does not canvass whether or not Tasmania needs "Get Clover" laws.
For anyone else wishing to make a submission (especially for the hordes out there just wanting to cancel out mine!), you've got about 24 hours as I write. Good luck!
Site update: I've hopefully removed the prove-you're-not-a-bot thing that I believe was previously required for comments. Any other usability feedback is welcome and can be emailed .]
[Note to later readers: apologies for the poor paragraphing in this piece; it's a strange formatting issue with just this article that I haven't yet been able to repair.]
Dear Local Government Office,
I am writing as an interested member of the public with no electoral or
employment connection to any council. I have experience relevant to the conduct
of Tasmanian local government elections as a scrutineer at all Hobart City
Council distributions of preferences since 1988. Also I am known as one of the
state’s most experienced psephologists, for instance through my articles
published on the website Tasmanian Times. (I have recently moved to my own
website.) I have written many articles statistically analysing local government
elections and council voting patterns, as well as conducting live commentary on
council elections, and have been involved in many council election
My comments are as follows:
1. “Compulsory” Voting In General
I oppose compulsory voting in Tasmanian local government, whether it is
conducted on an opt-in or mandatory basis.
It is very disappointing that among the arguments canvassed for and against
introducing compulsory voting, it is not even mentioned that compulsory voting
imposes a restraint on the liberty of citizens, increasing the already excessive
regulation of their lives and adding another offence for which they can be
fined. In my view, this disadvantage of compulsory voting is much more
significant than all the arguments for or against compulsory voting that are
actually canvassed in the paper combined. As far as the discussion paper goes
in this direction is to suggest that it may be unnecessary to force people to
Given that the Dual Representation section contains “There is an argument
that citizens should therefore have the right to be represented in multiple
levels of government by the same person, if they choose to do so”,the section discussing compulsory voting
should certainly have contained something like “There is an argument that
citizens should have the right to not vote in council elections, if they choose
not to.”
I believe (but cannot prove) that compulsory voting in local government
will lead to a decline in the consideration level of the average vote, by
forcing people to vote who currently do not vote because they feel they do not
know enough about the issues. An advantage will be given to those candidates
who are most effective at harvesting the votes of the apathetic voter. Whether
or not this leads to an increased party-politicisation of local government (and
I suspect that it will) it may also lead to an increasing success rate for
candidates who have high profiles, including local-celebrity candidates and
The discussion paper’s claim that “Generally the interstate experience has
been that the level of politicisation of local government varies considerably
and does not appear to be directly linked to whether voting is compulsory” is a
claim that requires detailed analysis, in particular of before-and-after
experiences, before it can be accepted as fact.
The discussion paper is in my view correct that voting fraud is not a
significant issue in the current system and would also be unlikely to be one
under a compulsory system. The supposed integrity issue of increased informal
voting should be ignored given that it can be argued that at present nearly half
the electorate does the same thing as voting informally by simply not voting at
I disagree with the claim that compulsory voting would lead to a much
greater mandate. A voter who declines to vote is effectively mandating whatever
the remaining voters decide. It is no surprise that this is most common among
young voters who are generally more transient and less involved in the issues
canvassed by local councils, and therefore less likely to have a serious
interest in local government concerns.
I reject the view that compulsory voting will create significantly greater
interest in local government. If this view was valid then compulsory voting
would have succeeded in creating a high level of interest in state government
but this is patently not the case. A stark example was provided in a September
2012 Daily Telegraph – Galaxy poll in which 38% of NSW voters were unable to
correctly name the incumbent Premier, Barry O’Farrell, who at that time had been
Premier for a year and a half.
The impact of a decision on “the case that Local Government is an equal
sphere of government” is irrelevant since there simply is no case even with that
“strengthening” – local government is clearly not equal at present and much more will be required to make it so than just changing the voting system. There is a view that local government should be made an equal sphere of
government but this is a matter that will require constitutional change at a
federal referendum and that can be advanced irrespective of the outcomes of this
The claim that local government should fall into line with state and
federal government is an argument from conformity. However if the same argument
was made with regard to the state and federal systems, it would be seen that
they are out of line with most major democracies. I would prefer to
see local government set a good example to state and federal government by
resisting the temptation to conform to a system Australia has no need to have in
the first place.
I agree that there is confusion between council and Legislative Council
elections. However, I do not think this confusion is solely caused by
differences in electoral systems. Other causes include the confusing name of
the Legislative Council, the low public profile of Legislative Council
elections, and the frequency of candidate overlap between the two.
Finally, so-called “compulsory” voting is not genuinely such. The fines
imposed are so small and plausible excuses so readily accepted that the
compulsion involved is only a major issue for voters who are poor and honest.
Others may simply pay fines as a way of buying the right to not vote.
2. Opt-in Compulsory Voting proposal
The opt-in compulsory voting proposal, while obviously created by a desire
to placate both sides of the compulsory voting debate, is a bad idea. I agree
with the discussion paper’s arguments about the difficulties this would cause.
I add that if the opt-in system caused voters to feel forced to vote when they
were actually not thus forced, then the mandate created by the election is
undermined through votes having been cast on a false pretext. Close results
would be subject to claims that the winner may not have won had only those
voters who wanted to vote done so.
It is also strange to have an opt-in model that would create
inconsistencies between adjacent councils, being advanced as part of a proposal
for a reform supposedly based on consistency. It is reminiscent of the
disfunctional localised hodge-podge of electoral arrangements seen in the USA as
a result of excessive devolution to lower levels of electoral
Therefore the opt-in model should be rejected and the State Government
should simply make a decision covering all councils one way or the other.
Although I am opposed to “compulsory” voting I would prefer it be introduced in
all councils, than introduced arbitrary in some and not in others.
3. All-In All-Out
I have mixed views about proposals to introduce all-in all-out elections.
Some aldermen I have spoken to certainly express great frustration about the
impact on “operations and strategic planning of councils” of the current term.
However, concerns about AIAO include:
* The doubling of the number of candidates to be elected, if elected on the
same boundaries as now (see “Districts and All In All Out” below), will indeed
lead to a significant increase in the rate of unintentional informal voting.
Under the current provisions, a voter voting to elect 12 candidates in a field
of, say, 35, would need to correctly number all the numbers from 1 to 12. It is
rather disquieting that a voter could be disenfranchised if they accidentally
include, for instance, the number 11 twice. This could be resolved by allowing
a less strict understanding of formality, so that, for instance, if a voter had
filled out at least 12 squares but made an error, their vote would count to the
point at which the error was made, and then exhaust.
* The lowering of the quota would result in an increased chance of fringe
candidates, with small but devout followings, being elected to councils, perhaps
with only 3-4 percent of the primary vote in some cases. I am not sure this is
a good thing.
* The complete replacement of councils every four years, and the generally
low level of media attention to council elections and issues, could mean that
councils sometimes over-represent the sentiments of voters based on a short-term
issue that happened to be raising concerns at the time of the election. I am
not sure this is a good thing. The current system provides more insurance against
this happening.
I also agree that the issue of resignations and frequent recounts (over the
longer council terms) is concerning in AIAO. Hare-Clark recounts in councils
that are running out of available candidates lead to some peculiar outcomes as
it is, including the recent recount in which retiring Hobart alderman and former
Lord Mayor Rob Valentine was replaced by John Freeman, who he defeated to gain
the position in the first place and whose politics were quite different to Valentine's. This
happened because the only other candidates contesting the recount were minor
Tasmanian Greens candidates with very low profiles, so there was no candidate
who could be considered likeminded to Valentine contesting. AIAO increases the
chance even of a candidate elected at a recount themselves resigning, which
could lead to even stranger recount outcomes.
4. Districts and All In All Out: A Proposal
Proposals to divide councils into districts (I suggest the word “wards” not
be used as it has anachronistic connotations) should be treated with very great
concern. Districts that contain relatively few councillors will deliver
election outcomes that are less proportional and that disadvantage significant
minority opinions, including Green candidates. To split Hobart with its twelve
councillors into four districts of three, for instance, or six districts of two,
would be an outrage against proportionality, which would undermine the value of
using the Hare-Clark system.
However, it is possible that the use of districts, if done properly, could
remove problems associated with AIAO (including formality and count complexity
issues). The one way in which this could be done without creating
proportionality issues would be to divide each municipality into two
halves, each with the same number of councillors and the same number
(+/- a few percent) of electors.
(If this is combined with round-table election of Deputy Mayors, and it is desired to avoid ties, then an option would be to give one district one more councillor than the other, and adjust the number of electors in each accordingly. For instance Hobart with 12 councillors could drop one councillor and have a six-member district and a five-member district.)
The net impact of splitting each council into two even districts would be
that the election for each district would have the same number of elected
councillors as the current counts (and hence be similarly proportional),
possibly a similar number of candidates as at present, and in most cases a
slightly lower number of votes to count. Probably, each district would require
slightly less effort to count than each current council count, meaning that the
overall effort required in counting the elections under AIAO would be slightly
less than twice the effort required for the elections at the moment. Since the
elections would now be held every four years instead of every two, splitting
each municipality into exactly two districts would maintain much of the
character of the existing elections and counting, without creating monster
counts that are a nightmare for electoral officials to conduct.
I believe that this is the only form of district proposal that deserves any
consideration at all, but that it should be considered seriously if AIAO is to
be adopted.
5. Round table election of Deputy Mayors
I agree that the current system creates a great dilemma for councillors who
have to choose between running for Deputy Mayor and running for Mayor. A good
example of this dilemma was the situation of then-incumbent Green Deputy Mayor
of Hobart, Helen Burnet, who decided to run for Lord Mayor, lost narrowly, and
therefore held no leadership position. Had she recontested her deputy
leadership she may have retained it. Then again, under round-table elections,
there is no way Burnet would have been elected deputy by her own council in the
first place, and an advantage of round-table elections is that situations where
the Deputy does not represent the majority viewpoint of a divided council will
be reduced.
An option is noted “that the second placed candidate in the mayoral contest
could automatically become the deputy mayor”. I oppose this option
completely. Firstly it would frequently lead to a mayor’s main opponent being
installed as their deputy, which would create tension on councils. Secondly, in
order to try to prevent that situation, very popular mayors might
convince councillors who support them to also run in order to try to squeeze the
opponent into third place. Voters would be left with a strategic dilemma in
deciding who to vote for.
I also agree that having the same candidates run for both Mayor and Deputy
Mayor would be too confusing.
Dr Kevin Bonham
30 October 2012
Update (30 May 2013): The Local Government Amendment (Elections) Act 2013 arising from the above process has just passed the House of Assembly again, upon being returned with amendments by the Legislative Council.
The version initially passed by the House of Assembly had the following features concerning future local council elections:
* Compulsory voting
* All-in-all-out for councillors
* Four-year terms for mayors and councillors
* Double-dipping (holding seats at both state and local level) banned
* Plus the Government will defer elections until October 2014.
Compulsory voting was rejected by the Legislative Council in the committee stage. At this stage the full Hansard is not available so it is not clear to me who (if anyone) was supporting it at that time, but even from the earliest speeches and the second reading voting patterns it would have been clear it did not have the numbers.
In the end even with compulsory voting removed the vote on both the second and final readings was quite close (7-5):
In favour: Farrell (ALP), Dean, Hall, Harriss, Valentine, Forrest, Finch
Against: Goodwin (Lib), Hiscutt (Lib), Mulder, Rattray, Taylor
Did not vote: Gaffney, Armitage (both holding seats at both levels presently and hence conflicted)
This is the first vote on a major issue I've noticed recently that has had a really distinctive voting pattern. Although those from the "left" of the Council who voted uniformly backed the bill, the "right" of the Council split. It is especially interesting that Ivan Dean voted for the bill given that he was briefly both Mayor of Launceston and an MLC and hence a former double-dipper.
I am very pleased that compulsory voting was rejected, for the reasons outlined in part 1. I noticed that Michelle O'Byrne described this as a missed opportunity to end the debate about this matter. I believe it is better even that a debate continue forever than that a bad decision be made for the sake of ending it.
I remain concerned about some aspects of all-in-all-out for larger councils, especially the risks of an increase in unintentional informal voting. Hopefully this can be addressed between now and the elections, for instance by introduction of a Senate-style system allowing more leeway for error within the designated number of squares. Someone should not be disenfranchised because they submit a vote which skips or doubles their twelfth preference.
Rene Hidding took issue with the way in which councillors were (quite avoidably) having their terms either extended or reduced by a year depending on when they were elected, but given that we have even seen state governments sacking whole councils in the past, it seems that local government is not going to escape from a subordinate easily-tampered position any time soon. There was little outcry in the late 1990s when elections were postponed allowing many councillors to serve five year terms instead of four.
The above submission did not cover four year terms for mayors. I believe this is a beneficial reform.
I also did not cover the ban on double-dipping, a change particularly dear to the Greens. Kim Booth in particular saluted the end to the "contagious pernicious malady of double-snout-troph syndrome".
I'm not greatly fussed about this one since as things stood, if electors chose to be represented at two levels by the same person (and hence to have a representative who was conflicted), that was up to them and their problem. In many cases they discovered this soon enough and hence did not choose it for long; in other cases the arrangement was only transitional. But I don't think it is ideal that politicians on already substantial notionally full-time salaries could draw a second that was also notionally full-time, and the longer-term hogging of local positions by occasional state MPs acted as an obstacle to the building of new leadership talent. I'm hoping this reform - whatever its merits or otherwise - will lead to a little bit less of the parish-pump super-mayor style campaigning often seen in LegCo elections, and more of what we saw this year, in which LegCo elections are contested on the state issues on which Legislative Councillors have such a crucial say.
It is likely we will now see all-in-all-out Local Government elections next October. With roughly similar rates of voting but more candidates and relatively small quotas these will be exciting contests to cover. Should all go according to plan, I will be running detailed coverage of Hobart City Council elections in September and October 2014.
This is a fine submission so worthy of publication on Tasmanian Times also.