Button press from 11 am Wednesday
Won off raw quotas: ALP 8 Coalition 6 Green 2* PHON 1
* fractionally short but certain to cross on preferences
Strongly expected to win seats 18-20: Legalise Cannabis, Liberal Democrats, Shooters Fishers and Farmers
21st seat Rachel Merton (Liberal) vs Alison Waters (Animal Justice)
Merton leads narrowly on primaries but could be caught on preferences
UPDATES WEDNESDAY (scrolls to top)
2:35 It wasn't close at all in the end with Animal Justice closing the gap slightly but not enough; it finished at just over 10,000 votes (.051 quotas) down from the primary gap of .069. Animal Justice made the largest gain of the competing parties (.124 quotas compared to .106 for Coalition, .094 for Legalise Cannabis, .077 for Liberal Democrats and .068 for Shooters) but the great majority of preferences exhausted rather than reaching any of these parties.
11:59 MERTON WINS. Animal Justice couldn't make it three in a row, awaiting news on the margin.
11:55 Pointy end approaching!
11:05 The distribution has commenced; it takes about one hour.