Saturday, July 31, 2021
The Ipsos MyView Drink Survey Shambles
Updated note to email subscribers
In June I posted a note to say that the Feedburner system that sends out automated emails from this site was "going away" (ie stopping working). I was expecting this to take effect from the end of June, but the date seems to have now been pushed back to mid-August, and most of my posts seem to have still been sent out via the email system in the meantime. There may be further changes and at this stage I cannot be sure that the existing email feed will stop working altogether at any time.
In the event of the Feedburner feed stopping working (ie I am still posting articles but subscribers are not receiving emails about them) then I recommend that email subscribers sign up to other services that will allow you to enter your email address and a site name and receive an email feed of that site. You may want to bookmark this post to come back to it should you realise you haven't heard anything from me for more than a few weeks and wonder why. Anyone who wants to be sure of getting any article I write may want to sign up to such a service right away.
In comments to the previous article commenter Et3e! mentioned two example feed sites: feedrabbit.com and blogtrottr,com. I have tested these and find that they work in more or less the same way except that Blogtrottr includes ads with the email of the article text.
I've considered maintaining my own email list about the site and decided not to do it - too labour intensive and fiddly. (I edited an email newsletter for a few years once and have no desire to repeat the experience.)
I should caution that both Feedburner and Blogtrottr are very fast in sending out emails (depending on the options chosen). Initial release versions of articles are often sent out when an issue is fresh and information is emerging - they are more likely to contain typos, unfinished sentences and other errors. I often say that I only have time to write this stuff, not to proofread it! I view all articles on this site as like a one-person Wikipedia - often I get them out as quickly as I can, but the articles are polished and more content often added later. So what you get in the initial email and what the article looks like 24 hours later are sometimes rather different.
I also recommend that anyone wanting to sign up to a feed of this site starting from now uses one of these services or find another similar service. I've taken down the link to the Feedburner feed signup because I am not sure if the signup system is still working. If Feedburner reverses all these mooted changes and does so in a language I can understand I may restore it.
Thursday, July 22, 2021
Tasmania 2021: Voters Who Voted In One House Instead Of Two
This year Tasmania controversially had Legislative Council elections on the same day as a House of Assembly election, for the first time ever. With the election being called for May 1st on March 26 with no prior warning the Tasmanian Electoral Commission had very little time to adapt to the logistic challenges of some voters having to vote in both houses. These voters were the voters in the eastern Launceston division of Windermere, which occurs entirely within the Assembly division of Bass, and voters in the large division of Derwent, which is mostly spatially in Lyons but includes many voters in the northern suburbs of Glenorchy within Clark.
The initial controversy around the holding of the elections on the same day concerned potential unfairness to candidates. Party candidates could benefit from generic party funding for the Assembly campaign while independent Legislative Council candidates were restrained by the Council's strict spending caps. There were arguments about whether parties could even legally run generic campaigns without in the process incurring expenditure on behalf of their Legislative Council candidates, though so far in terms of post-election challenges this aspect has not come to anything. As it happened voters voted quite differently in the two houses, so while the Lower House campaign may have distorted the Upper House outcomes, there isn't any clear sign that the latter are different to what would have been expected anyway.